The learning concepts for this week two left me feeling very reflective of learning theories that I have encountered throughout my education. It was interesting to break down teaching concepts that have been used from my education in primary school to University and see how they impact learners.  K. Alexander’s podcast Dual Coding Theory explains how Dual Coding Theory is helpful to understanding how the mind takes in information.  If I wanted to implement what I learned from this theory into a PowerPoint presentation,  I would ensure to use sound and images to effectively engage the learner. Throughout the presentation, I would try to tap into the learner’s senses and organize my lesson with images and verbally explain them. This would challenge the learners working memory, hopefully leading to a more engaging and beneficial lesson. 

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

I think it is important that our class is discussing the concept of Flow, even if the class about online and multimedia learning. The learning concept of Flow targets many learning instances and explains when the learner is at the strongest point to reach their full learning potential. I believe this is important in an online and multimedia class, as we are discussing what online and media features can be used to ensure the learner reaches their ‘flow’.

Alexander, K. (2017). Dual Coding Theory [Mp3].