First off, I would like to present my new and improved screencastify and HP5 Interactive video! I decided to recreate my screencastify video that explains making a Kahoot quiz, and added additional HP5 interactive components to adhere to more multimedia learning principles.
To begin, I refilmed my screencastify video since my voice was pretty monotone in the first video. After watching David JP Phillips video on persuasive presentation, I knew I could improve my video by varying my voice and mumbling less.

Further, I looked back to Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning to see how I could improve from my last HP5 video and increase the knowledge transfer to the learner. For this HP5 video wanted to focus on the segmenting principle so I could break up the information I was presenting to ensure I wasn’t overloading the viewer. I did this by adding more HP5 Interactive questions and popups, as in the original video I created I only used two. I also followed the personalization principle by speaking more casually throughout my video in comparison to my original video. The personalization principle states humans learn more from informal, conversation-style voices in comparison to more formal sounding presentations. I also encourage the viewer to relate their own experiences to my video by asking them to consider if they had used Kahoot before. The last principle I followed was the signaling principle, which is used to direct the learner to what information is most important. I followed this principle by highlighting important features of Kahoot in my multiple choice and true or false questions. By quizzing the learner on these features, I am showing them what is most important and and what they should remember.

Overall, screencastify videos and HP5 interactive features are a great way to follow to interactivity principle as they allow for the learner to control the pace of instruction. I am sure that the increased number of principles followed in my new video will ensure the learner is following along better and process what is being presented!